jigdo API
Last update by Admin on 2010-05-23
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:cachefile.cc | |
cachefile.hh [code] | Cache with MD5 sums of file contents - used by JigdoCache in scan.hh |
compat.cc | |
compat.hh [code] | Cross-platform compatibility support |
config.h [code] | Auto-generated from config.h.in |
dirent.hh [code] | Compatibility header for glib+mingw |
jigdo-file-cmd.cc | |
jigdo-file-cmd.hh [code] | Implementation of the different jigdo-file commands |
jigdo-file.cc | |
jigdoconfig-test.cc | |
jigdoconfig.cc | |
jigdoconfig.hh [code] | Representation for config data in a .jigdo file - based on ConfigFile |
mkimage.cc | |
mkimage.hh [code] | Create image from template / merge new files into image.tmp |
mkjigdo.cc | |
mktemplate.cc | |
mktemplate.hh [code] | Create location list (.jigdo) and image template (.template) |
partialmatch.cc | |
partialmatch.hh [code] | Helper class for MkTemplate - queue of partially matched files |
recursedir-test.cc | |
recursedir.cc | |
recursedir.hh [code] | Create recursive directory listing, avoiding symlink loops |
scan.cc | |
scan.hh [code] | Scanning of input files, cache of information for each scanned file |
serialize.hh [code] | Convert objects into byte streams and vice versa |
torture.cc | |
zstream-bz.cc | |
zstream-bz.hh [code] | Bzip2 compression and decompression for zstream |
zstream-gz.cc | |
zstream-gz.hh [code] | Zlib (gzip-style) compression and decompression for zstream |
zstream.cc | |
zstream.hh [code] | Zlib/bzlib2 compression layer which integrates with C++ streams |
glibcurl/glibcurl-example.c | |
glibcurl/glibcurl.c | |
glibcurl/glibcurl.h [code] | Use the libcurl multi interface from GTK+/glib programs without having to resort to multithreading |
gtk/gtk-makeimage.cc | |
gtk/gtk-makeimage.hh [code] | Download and processing of .jigdo files - GTK+ frontend |
gtk/gtk-single-url.cc | |
gtk/gtk-single-url.hh [code] | 'Simple' file download, i.e |
gtk/gui.cc | |
gtk/gui.hh [code] | GTK event handlers |
gtk/jigdo.cc | |
gtk/jobline.cc | |
gtk/jobline.hh [code] | One line in a JobList, in the lower part of the jigdo GUI window |
gtk/joblist.cc | |
gtk/joblist.hh [code] | Interface to the GtkTreeView of running jobs (downloads etc), GUI::window.jobs, i.e |
gtk/messagebox.cc | |
gtk/messagebox.hh [code] | Display an error box with a message and standard or user-supplied buttons |
gtk/support.cc | |
gtk/support.hh [code] | |
gtk/treeiter.cc | |
gtk/treeiter.hh [code] | Algorithm for depth-first traversal of the objects in a GtkTreeModel, the parent is visited before its children |
job/cached-url.cc | |
job/cached-url.hh [code] | Spool data from cache file |
job/datasource.cc | |
job/datasource.hh [code] | Interface for objects returning data from the network or from disk |
job/jigdo-io-test.cc | |
job/jigdo-io.cc | |
job/jigdo-io.hh [code] | IO object for .jigdo downloads; download, gunzip, interpret |
job/jigdodownload.cc | |
job/jigdodownload.hh [code] | Download .jigdo data, take care of handling [Include] directives |
job/job.hh [code] | A job is a certain task - just the application logic, *no* user interface |
job/makeimage.cc | |
job/makeimage.hh [code] | Download (via SingleURL) & interpret .jigdo data, download parts, assemble image |
job/makeimagedl-info-test.cc | |
job/makeimagedl-info.cc | |
job/makeimagedl.cc | |
job/makeimagedl.hh [code] | Download .jigdo/.template and file URLs |
job/single-url.cc | |
job/single-url.hh [code] | Single HTTP or FTP retrievals |
job/url-mapping-test.cc | |
job/url-mapping.cc | |
job/url-mapping.hh [code] | Representation of the directed, acyclic graph implied by the [Parts] and [Servers] lines in a .jigdo file |
net/download-test.cc | |
net/download.cc | |
net/download.hh [code] | Download data from URL, write to output function, report on progress |
net/proxyguess-test.cc | |
net/proxyguess.cc | |
net/proxyguess.hh [code] | Find proxy URLs by reading config files of various browsers |
net/uri-test.cc | |
net/uri.cc | |
net/uri.hh [code] | Helper functions for dealing with URLs |
util/autonullptr-test.cc | |
util/autonullptr.hh [code] | A pointer which gets set to null if the pointed-to object is deleted |
util/autoptr.hh [code] | A variant of auto_ptr for pointers to arrays |
util/bstream-counted.hh [code] | Reference-counted bfstream |
util/bstream.cc | |
util/bstream.hh [code] | I/O streams for bytes (byte is unsigned char, not regular char) |
util/checkpoint.cc | Testing framework: Allow automated tests of whole jigdo application |
util/checkpoint.hh [code] | Testing framework: Allow automated tests of whole jigdo application |
util/configfile-test.cc | |
util/configfile.cc | |
util/configfile.hh [code] | Access to Gnome/KDE/ini-style configuration files |
util/debug.cc | |
util/debug.hh [code] | Debugging aids, including Error objects and assertions |
util/glibc-getopt.c | |
util/glibc-getopt.h [code] | |
util/glibc-getopt1.c | |
util/glibc-md5.cc | |
util/glibc-md5.hh [code] | |
util/gunzip-test.cc | |
util/gunzip.cc | |
util/gunzip.hh [code] | In-memory, push-oriented decompression of .gz files |
util/ilist.hh [code] | Intrusive list, ie every list member needs to derive publically from IListBase |
util/log-test.cc | |
util/log.cc | |
util/log.hh [code] | Logfile / debugging output |
util/md5sum-test.cc | |
util/md5sum.cc | |
util/md5sum.hh [code] | 128-bit checksum, secure enough for our purposes |
util/mimestream-test.cc | |
util/mimestream.hh [code] | Convert binary data to/from ASCII using Base64 encoding |
util/nocopy.hh [code] | A class which prevents derived classes from being copied |
util/progress.cc | |
util/progress.hh [code] | Statistics: How many % of download done, average speed, ETA |
util/random.cc | Pseudo random number generation |
util/rsyncsum-test.cc | |
util/rsyncsum.cc | |
util/rsyncsum.hh [code] | A 32 or 64 bit rolling checksum |
util/smartptr.hh [code] | Smart pointer, i.e. pointer-like object that maintains a count for how many times an object is referenced, and only deletes the object when the last smart pointer to it is destroyed |
util/status.hh [code] | Return type for functions to show success or failure |
util/string-utf-test.cc | |
util/string-utf.cc | |
util/string-utf.hh [code] | Subst("Format %1, %2", arg1, arg2) creates strings with the arguments filled in, and does so in a safer way than sprintf() and friends |
util/string.cc | |
util/string.hh [code] | Subst("Format %1, %2", arg1, arg2) creates strings with the arguments filled in, and does so in a safer way than sprintf() and friends |
util/unistd-jigdo.h [code] | Avoid clash between ftruncate() between Win32 and gtk |
Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:43 2008 for jigdo by