jigdo API

util/ilist.hh File Reference

Intrusive list, ie every list member needs to derive publically from IListBase. More...

#include <config.h>
#include <debug.hh>
#include <log.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  IListBase
 Derived classes can be list members. More...
class  IList< T >
 The list object. More...
class  IList< T >::iterator
 iterator for an IList object More...
class  IList< T >::const_iterator
 const_iterator for an IList object More...

Detailed Description

Intrusive list, ie every list member needs to derive publically from IListBase.

A speciality is that list members will remove themselves from their list automatically from their dtor.

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6