jigdo API

job/url-mapping.hh File Reference

Representation of the directed, acyclic graph implied by the [Parts] and [Servers] lines in a .jigdo file. More...

#include <config.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <debug.hh>
#include <md5sum.hh>
#include <nocopy.hh>
#include <smartptr.hh>
#include <status.hh>
#include <uri.hh>
#include <url-mapping.fh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  UrlMapping
 Object which represents a "Label:some/path" mapping, abstract base class. More...
class  ServerUrlMapping
 If the .jigdo file contains [Servers] entries like "Foo=x" and "Foo=y", there will be one object for the "Foo=x" entry, its "next" pointer points to the "Foo=y" object. More...
class  PartUrlMapping
 Object to enumerate all URLs for "Label:some/path". More...
struct  PartUrlMapping::StackEntry
class  UrlMap
 Object containing list of all Part and Server mappings in a .jigdo file. More...


#define INLINE   inline

Detailed Description

Representation of the directed, acyclic graph implied by the [Parts] and [Servers] lines in a .jigdo file.

For each .jigdo file, we have one map<MD5, SmartPtr<PartUrlMapping> > which allows to create a set of URLs for each MD5 sum. Cf MakeImageDl::parts.

Define Documentation

#define INLINE   inline

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6