jigdo API

util/mimestream.hh File Reference

Convert binary data to/from ASCII using Base64 encoding. More...

#include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <debug.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Base64Out< Output >
 Convert binary data to Base64 and output. More...
class  Base64StringOut
 Output base64 data to a std::string. More...
class  Base64In< Output >
 Convert a series of Base64 ASCII strings into binary data. More...
class  Base64StringIn
 Helper class for mimestream-test.cc, to convert base64 characters to bytes. More...


#define INLINE   inline
#define x   255


typedef Base64Out
< Base64StringOut
 A string which you can output to with "str << 1234" or "str.write(buf, 4096)".
typedef Base64In< Base64StringInBase64StringI


template<class Output>
Base64Out< Output > & flush (Base64Out< Output > &s)
template<class Output>
Base64Out< Output > & operator<< (Base64Out< Output > &s, Base64Out< Output > &(*m)(Base64Out< Output > &))

Detailed Description

Convert binary data to/from ASCII using Base64 encoding.

Define Documentation

#define INLINE   inline

#define x   255

Typedef Documentation

A string which you can output to with "str << 1234" or "str.write(buf, 4096)".

Function Documentation

template<class Output>
Base64Out<Output>& flush ( Base64Out< Output > &  s  )  [inline]

template<class Output>
Base64Out<Output>& operator<< ( Base64Out< Output > &  s,
Base64Out< Output > &(*)(Base64Out< Output > &)  m 
) [inline]

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6