jigdo API

jigdoconfig.hh File Reference

Representation for config data in a .jigdo file - based on ConfigFile. More...

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <configfile.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  JigdoConfig
 Representation for config data in a .jigdo file - based on ConfigFile. More...
class  JigdoConfig::ProgressReporter
 To be implemented by anyone who is interested in errors/info from the JigdoConfig. More...
class  JigdoConfig::Lookup
 Given an URI-style string like "MyServer:dir/foo/file.gz", do label lookup (looking for [Servers] entries like "MyServer=...") and return the resulting strings, e.g. More...
struct  JigdoConfig::ForwardReporter
struct  JigdoConfig::ServerLine

Detailed Description

Representation for config data in a .jigdo file - based on ConfigFile.

Mostly, this class just "forwards" requests by making the appropriate calls to the ConfigFile object, with one exception: It caches the labels in the [Servers] section and detects loops.

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6