jigdo API

gtk/gtk-makeimage.hh File Reference

Download and processing of .jigdo files - GTK+ frontend. More...

#include <config.h>
#include <jobline.hh>
#include <makeimagedl.hh>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  GtkMakeImage
 Frontend for Job::MakeImageDl. More...

Detailed Description

Download and processing of .jigdo files - GTK+ frontend.

Beware of the interesting ownership relations here: As the front-end, GtkMakeImage creates and owns a MakeImageDl. That MakeImageDl creates child downloads of its own which are owned by the MakeImageDl. GtkSingleUrls are attached to those child downloads.

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6