jigdo API
Last update by Admin on 2010-05-23
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:AnyReporter | Class for "pointer to any *Reporter class", with disambiguation members |
ArrayAutoPtr< X > | A variant of std::auto_ptr for pointers to arrays |
AutoNullPtr< T > | A pointer which gets set to null if the pointed-to object is deleted |
AutoNullPtrBase< T > | Derive from this class to make your class instances referenceable by AutoNullPtr |
Base64In< Output > | Convert a series of Base64 ASCII strings into binary data |
Base64Out< Output > | Convert binary data to Base64 and output |
Base64StringIn | Helper class for mimestream-test.cc, to convert base64 characters to bytes |
Base64StringOut | Output base64 data to a std::string |
BfstreamCounted | A bfstream which can be referenced with a SmartPtr |
Job::CachedUrl | Spool data from cache file |
CacheFile | Cache with MD5 sums of file contents |
Cleanup | Thrown to indicate: Don't report anything, but unwind stack and return specified value from main() |
ConfigFile | General approach: Reading/changes/writing of config should be possible, and all formatting and comments made by any human editing the file should be preserved |
ConfigFile::Find | Class to enumerate all lines in the config file which match a given section & label name |
ConfigFile::iterator | The iterators hide the fact that a ConfigFile is not a list<string> |
ConfigFile::ProgressReporter | Class allowing ConfigFile to convey information back to the creator of a ConfigFile object |
CurlGSource_ | A structure which "derives" (in glib speak) from GSource |
Job::DataSource | Interface for objects returning data from the network or from disk |
Job::DataSource::IO | User interaction for DataSource |
DbError | Libdb errors |
Download | Class containing the state of a download |
Download::Output | A derived class of Output must be supplied by the user of Download, to take care of the downloaded data and to output progress reports |
Error | The messages are always in UTF-8! |
FilePart | One of the "parts" (=single files) that the image (=big file) consists of |
FilePart::SerializeCacheEntry | Opposite of unserializeCacheEntry; create byte stream from object |
GtkMakeImage | Frontend for Job::MakeImageDl |
GtkSingleUrl | This class is two things at once: |
Gunzip | Allows .gz files to be decompressed in memory on the fly as they are being downloaded |
Gunzip::IO | The Gunzip object makes calls to the virtual functions of a class you derive from this |
Gunzip::IOPtr | Pointer to an IO object, can be changed during the Gunzip object's lifetime |
IList< T > | The list object |
IList< T >::const_iterator | Const_iterator for an IList object |
IList< T >::iterator | Iterator for an IList object |
IListBase | Derived classes can be list members |
Job::IO | Base class for interaction between the outside world and the job |
IOSource< SomeIO > | In your job class, use the template to generate a public member: |
JigdoCache | A list of FileParts that is "lazy": Nothing is actually read from the files passed to it until that is really necessary |
JigdoCache::iterator | Only part of the iterator functionality implemented ATM |
JigdoCache::ProgressReporter | Class allowing JigdoCache to convey information back to the creator of a JigdoCache object |
JigdoCacheError | If a JigdoCacheError happens during any call to a FilePart or JigdoCache method, repeating that call is possible to continue |
JigdoConfig | Representation for config data in a .jigdo file - based on ConfigFile |
JigdoConfig::Lookup | Given an URI-style string like "MyServer:dir/foo/file.gz", do label lookup (looking for [Servers] entries like "MyServer=...") and return the resulting strings, e.g |
JigdoConfig::ProgressReporter | To be implemented by anyone who is interested in errors/info from the JigdoConfig |
JigdoDesc | Entry in a DESC section of a jigdo template |
JigdoDesc::ImageInfo | Information about the image file |
JigdoDesc::MatchedFile | Info about data that *was* matched by an input file |
JigdoDesc::ProgressReporter | Class allowing JigdoDesc to convey information back to the caller |
JigdoDesc::UnmatchedData | Info about data that was not matched by any input file, i.e |
JigdoDesc::WrittenFile | Like MatchedFile - used only in .tmp files to express that the file data was successfully written to the image |
JigdoDescError | Errors thrown by the JigdoDesc code |
JigdoDescVec | Container for JidoDesc objects |
JigdoFileCmd | Class providing functionality only to jigdo-file.cc |
Job::JigdoIO | IO object for .jigdo downloads; download, gunzip, interpret |
JobLine | One "job", e.g |
JobList | A bit like a vector<JobLine*>, but uses the GtkTreeStore for storing the elements |
LocationPath | First part of the filename of a "part", a directory on the local filesystem |
Logger | Usually created by the DEBUG_UNIT macro, with an instance name of "debug"
MakeImage | Download & interpret .jigdo, download parts, assemble image |
Job::MakeImageDl | MakeImageDl: Everything related to downloads |
Job::MakeImageDl::Child | Each Child object stands for one DataSource (i.e. SingleUrl/CachedUrl) which the MakeImageDl starts as a "child download" of itself |
Job::MakeImageDl::ChildListBase | Child objects are in two lists, need this to disambiguate them |
Job::MakeImageDl::IO | User interaction for MakeImageDl |
Job::MakeImageDl::JigdoDownload | Private class of MakeImageDl: Object extending a SingleUrl and used to retrieve the data of the .jigdo file |
MD5 | Container for an already computed MD5Sum |
MD5Sum | A 128-bit, cryptographically strong message digest algorithm |
MD5Sum::ProgressReporter | Class allowing JigdoCache to convey information back to the creator of a JigdoCache object |
MessageBox | Display an error box with a message and standard or user-supplied buttons |
MessageBox::Ref | Ref object to store reference to a MessageBox in |
MkTemplate | Create location list (jigdo) and image template (template) from one big file and a list of files |
MkTemplate::Desc | Build up a template DESC section by appending items to a JigdoDescVec |
MkTemplate::PartialMatch | One object for each offset in image where any file /might/ match |
MkTemplate::PartialMatchQueue | Queue of PartialMatch objects, always kept sorted by ascending nextEvent |
MkTemplate::PartIndex | Index over JigdoParts by md5sum string |
MkTemplate::PartLine | Line content with whitespace and '=' removed and left/right side swapped, i.e |
MkTemplate::ProgressReporter | Class allowing MkTemplate to convey information back to the creator of a MkTemplate object |
NoCopy | To be used as a base class only - prevents that the derived class can be copied |
PartUrlMapping | Object to enumerate all URLs for "Label:some/path" |
Progress | Keep track of statistics: How many % of download done, average speed, ETA |
Rand | |
RecurseDir | A filename generator; feed it names of single files or directories, it will output them, recursing depth-first through directories |
RecurseError | Errors which occur during RecurseDir's work |
RsyncSum | A 32 bit checksum with the special property that you do not need to recalculate the checksum when data is added to the front/end of the checksummed area, or removed from it |
RsyncSum64 | Like RsyncSum, but the checksum is a 64 bit value |
SerialIstreamIterator | Slight variation (and simplification) of std::istream_iterator and std::ostream_iterator |
SerialOstreamIterator | |
ServerUrlMapping | If the .jigdo file contains [Servers] entries like "Foo=x" and "Foo=y", there will be one object for the "Foo=x" entry, its "next" pointer points to the "Foo=y" object |
Job::SingleUrl | Class which handles downloading a HTTP or FTP URL |
SmartPtr< X > | Smart pointer, i.e |
SmartPtr_lockStatic | If static objects are accessed through smart pointers, ensure that there are no attempts to delete them, by defining a non-static SmartPtr_lockStatic(object), which MUST be DEFINED (not declared) AFTER the object being locked, in the SAME translation unit |
SmartPtrBase | The version of SmartPtrBase below needs the following: |
Status | Simple success/failure return type |
Subst | Class for passing arguments to Logger |
UrlMap | Object containing list of all Part and Server mappings in a .jigdo file |
UrlMapping | Object which represents a "Label:some/path" mapping, abstract base class |
XStatus | Version of Status which can contain more than 2 values |
Zerror | Error messages returned by the zlib library |
ZerrorBz | |
ZerrorGz | |
Zibstream | Input stream which decompresses data |
Zibstream::Impl | Interface for gzip and bzip2 implementors |
ZibstreamBz | |
ZibstreamBz::ZibstreamBzError | |
ZibstreamGz | |
ZibstreamGz::ZibstreamGzError | |
Zobstream | Output stream which compresses the data sent to it before writing it to its final destination |
Zobstream::ZipData | |
ZobstreamBz | |
ZobstreamGz |
Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by