jigdo API

Gunzip::IO Class Reference

The Gunzip object makes calls to the virtual functions of a class you derive from this. More...

#include <gunzip.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Gunzip::IO:

Job::JigdoIO Job::MakeImageDl::JigdoDownload

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IO ()
virtual void gunzip_deleted ()=0
 Called by the Gunzip object when it is deleted or when a different IO object is registered with it.
virtual void gunzip_data (Gunzip *self, byte *decompressed, unsigned size)=0
 Called from within Gunzip::inject() after each decompression step.
virtual void gunzip_needOut (Gunzip *self)=0
 Called from within Gunzip::inject() if self->availOut()==0 and another output buffer is needed.
virtual void gunzip_failed (string *message)=0
 Called when decompression has successfully finished.

Detailed Description

The Gunzip object makes calls to the virtual functions of a class you derive from this.

Abstract class, define the gunzip_* methods in your derived class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual Gunzip::IO::~IO (  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Gunzip::IO::gunzip_deleted (  )  [pure virtual]

Called by the Gunzip object when it is deleted or when a different IO object is registered with it.

If the IO object considers itself owned by its Gunzip, it can delete itself.

Referenced by Gunzip::IOPtr::set(), and Gunzip::IOPtr::~IOPtr().

virtual void Gunzip::IO::gunzip_data ( Gunzip self,
byte *  decompressed,
unsigned  size 
) [pure virtual]

Called from within Gunzip::inject() after each decompression step.

self Gunzip object this IO object is registered with
decompressed Pointer to "size" new bytes of uncompressed data
size Number of bytes at decompressed

virtual void Gunzip::IO::gunzip_needOut ( Gunzip self  )  [pure virtual]

Called from within Gunzip::inject() if self->availOut()==0 and another output buffer is needed.

You must call self->setOut() to supply it.

virtual void Gunzip::IO::gunzip_failed ( string *  message  )  [pure virtual]

Called when decompression has successfully finished.

Called when decompression fails. You can copy the error message away with mystring.swap(*message). After the error, further calls to the object are not allowed; delete the object.

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Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6