
Dieser Survival Guide beschreibt die Eindrücke und Erfahrungen von Studenten der TUM mit dem Aufenthalt als Erasmus-Student in Belfast 1999/2000. Read more...


Proseminar im WS98/99: Symmetrische Verschlüsselungsverfahren werden bei Programmen, die Daten vor unautorisiertem Zugriff schützen sollen, sehr häufig verwendet. Ein Hauptmerkmal symmetrischer Verfahren ist, daß die zur Ver- und Entschlüsselung benötigten Schlüssel identisch sind oder voneinander abgeleitet werden können. In dieser Abhandlung soll die Funktionsweise von symmetrischen Blockchiffren anhand der Algorithmen DES und IDEA verdeutlicht werden. Read more...


From 2003 to 2008, I was a staff member and PhD candidate at the media informatics group (Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Medieninformatik, Prof. Hußmann) at Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München. Read more...


Destrictor is a CMS which takes a fundamentally different approach to some technical aspects of content generation. Its aim is to get maximum performance by not building pages when they are fetched, but only whenever their content is edited. Read more...


My interests include portraits, live concerts and street photography. I like multi-flash lighting and available-light photography. My cameras are a Canon EOS 450D, a FujiFilm F30 point-and-shoot, and a 40-year old analogue Rollei B 35. But let's face it: I'm a digital guy, I use the Canon DSLR for most pictures.


Acorn was a British company designing and manufacturing computer systems. Here is an overview of its history and the different computer models. Did you know that the ARM processor in your cell phone was originally designed for Acorn's computers, and the abbreviation meant “Acorn RISC machine”? Read more...


This command-line program allows you to control a Hama SLide S1 mouse connected to the USB port. You can switch between its three modes: Either thumb button 1 and the scroll wheel select the DPI setting, or a fixed DPI setting is used, or the two thumb buttons toggle between two DPI settings. The colour of the mouse changes according to the current setting. Read more...


Program code for programmers who want to use libcurl (a library for performing HTTP/FTP downloads) in their glib program. glib is used by the GTK+ library, and thus by all GTK applications. Read more...


Technical Details

This part of the manual describes more technical aspects of raFS. Read more...


raFS is een opslagsysteem waarrmee lange bestandsnamen en een onbeperkt aantal objecten in mappen kunt opslaan. De bestanden die u bewaart worden op een onderliggende opslagsysteem, b.v. Read more...