

Das Dateisystem raFS erlaubt es, lange Dateinamen zu verwenden und beliebig viele Dateien in Verzeichnissen zu speichern. Gespeicherte Dateien werden auf einem "Host"-Dateisystem, z.B. Read more...



raFS is a filing system which allows for files with long filenames and for any number of objects in directories. It stores the files you save to it on a "host filing system", e.g. Read more...


The documentation for the jigdo source code, auto-generated using doxygen. Read more...


The jigdo-mirror script is distributed in the scripts directory of the source archive and also in the jigdo-bin-x.y.z.tar.bz2 binary archive. Read more...


The jigdo-lite script is distributed in the scripts directory of the source archive and also in the jigdo-bin-x.y.z.tar.bz2 binary archive. Read more...


This reference documentation of jigdo-file will mostly be of interest for people who want to create their own .jigdo and .template files in order to distribute their images. To get a quick impression of different usage scenarios, have a look at the "Usage examples" section. Read more...


This is the Debian Jigdo mini-HOWTO, written by Peter Jay Salzman. Many thanks to Peter for his work! Check Peter's pages for the latest version and for translations into other languages. Read more...


Manual pages

HTML copies of the Unix manpages of the different jigdo programs and scripts are available: Read more...


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