jigdo API
Last update by Admin on 2010-05-23
ZobstreamBz Member List
This is the complete list of members for ZobstreamBz, including all inherited members.availIn() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
availOut() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
chunkLim() const | Zobstream | [inline, protected] |
close() | Zobstream | |
deflateEnd() | ZobstreamBz | [protected, virtual] |
deflateReset() | ZobstreamBz | [protected, virtual] |
getStream() | Zobstream | [inline] |
is_open() const | Zobstream | [inline] |
nextIn() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
nextOut() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
open(bostream &s, int level, unsigned todoBufSz) | ZobstreamBz | |
Zobstream::open(bostream &s, unsigned chunkLimit, unsigned todoBufSz) | Zobstream | [inline, protected] |
partId() | ZobstreamBz | [protected, virtual] |
put(unsigned char x) | Zobstream | [inline] |
put(signed char x) | Zobstream | [inline] |
put(int x) | Zobstream | [inline] |
put(char x) | Zobstream | [inline] |
put(uint32 x) | Zobstream | |
setAvailIn(unsigned n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
setAvailOut(unsigned n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
setNextIn(byte *n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
setNextOut(byte *n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
setTotalIn(unsigned n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
setTotalOut(unsigned n) | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
totalIn() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
totalOut() const | ZobstreamBz | [inline, protected, virtual] |
write(const byte *x, unsigned n) | Zobstream | [inline] |
writeZipped(unsigned partId) | Zobstream | [protected] |
zip2(byte *start, unsigned len, bool finish=false) | ZobstreamBz | [protected, virtual] |
zipBuf | Zobstream | [protected] |
zipBufLast | Zobstream | [protected] |
ZIPDATA_SIZE | Zobstream | [protected, static] |
Zobstream(MD5Sum *md=0) | Zobstream | [inline, explicit] |
ZobstreamBz(bostream &s, int level, unsigned todoBufSz, MD5Sum *md) | ZobstreamBz | [inline] |
~Zobstream() | Zobstream | [inline, virtual] |
~ZobstreamBz() | ZobstreamBz | [inline] |
Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:43 2008 for jigdo by