jigdo API

MessageBox Member List

This is the complete list of members for MessageBox, including all inherited members.

addButton(const char *buttonText, int response)MessageBox
addButton(const char *buttonText, GtkResponseType response)MessageBox [inline]
addStockButton(const char *buttonType, int response)MessageBox
addStockButton(const char *buttonType, GtkResponseType response)MessageBox [inline]
CANCEL enum valueMessageBox
CLOSE enum valueMessageBox
ERRORMessageBox [static]
HELP enum valueMessageBox
INFOMessageBox [static]
MESSAGEMessageBox [static]
MessageBox(const char *type, int buttons, const char *heading, const char *message=0)MessageBox [inline]
MessageBox(const char *type, int buttons, const string &heading, const char *message)MessageBox [inline]
MessageBox(const char *type, int buttons, const char *heading, const string &message)MessageBox [inline]
MessageBox(const char *type, int buttons, const string &heading)MessageBox [inline]
MessageBox(const char *type, int buttons, const string &heading, const string &message)MessageBox [inline]
NoCopy()NoCopy [inline, private]
NONE enum valueMessageBox
OK enum valueMessageBox
onResponse(ResponseHandler handler, gpointer data)MessageBox [inline]
QUESTIONMessageBox [static]
Ref classMessageBox [friend]
ResponseHandler typedefMessageBox
show()MessageBox [inline]
WARNINGMessageBox [static]
~NoCopy()NoCopy [inline, private]

Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:43 2008 for jigdo by  doxygen 1.5.6