

2010-09-19 17mm Location

Dusk gives way to night and the moon rises over ETH Zurich. Interactive, zoomable version inside! Read more...



2009-07-27 17:47 46mm f/7.1 1/200s ISO100

A shooting done with the digital photography study group. The topic was "hair", which I tried to stress with the lighting. Read more...



2010-09-19 18:18 17mm f/6.3 1/200s ISO100 Location

360° panorama of a fountain and church in the Enge quarter of Zurich. Interactive, zoomable version inside! Read more...



2009-08-25 20:05 17mm f/2.8 1/40s ISO100

Shot some people who train in the "Rote Stadt", Olympiapark Munich. I will post some more from this series some time. Be sure to read up about Freerunning/Parkour - a very interesting sport!



2010-09-19 19:46 17mm f/6.3 0.5s ISO100 Location

360° panorama of a wonderful, peaceful sunset on a hill overlooking Zurich - maybe one of the last nice days before autumn. Interactive, zoomable version inside! Read more...



2010-08-27 23:16 17mm f/4 1/8s ISO1600 Location

Expensive, but one of the best cocktail bars in Zurich.



2010-08-07 19:19 17mm f/3.2 1/40s ISO1600 Location



2010-06-05 15:14 20mm f/4.5 1/200s ISO200 Location

For the first time ever, I was the best man at a wedding - Thanks, I feel honoured! Also, thanks to Klaus for the nice studio setup.



2010-04-19 19:07 50mm f/1.8 1/250s ISO100 Location

At the Sechseläuten spring festival, the little girl was desperate after having lost her parents in the middle of the horses, costumes, bands playing music and huge crowd of people.



2010-04-23 18:47 10mm f/3.2 1/340s ISO100 Location

Cherry blossom in Zurich, with a woman passing by at just the right moment.