jigdo API

MkTemplate Member List

This is the complete list of members for MkTemplate, including all inherited members.

getGreedyMatching() const MkTemplate [inline]
MkTemplate(JigdoCache *jcache, bistream *imageStream, JigdoConfig *jigdoInfo, bostream *templateStream, ProgressReporter &pr=noReport, int zipQuality=9, size_t readAmnt=128U *1024, bool addImage=true, bool addServers=true, bool useBzip2=false)MkTemplate
noReportMkTemplate [static]
PartialMatchQueue classMkTemplate [friend]
run(const string &imageLeafName="image", const string &templLeafName="template")MkTemplate
setGreedyMatching(bool x)MkTemplate [inline]
setMatchExec(const string &me)MkTemplate [inline]
~MkTemplate()MkTemplate [inline]

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