jigdo API
Last update by Admin on 2010-05-23
JigdoDesc Member List
This is the complete list of members for JigdoDesc, including all inherited members.IMAGE_INFO enum value | JigdoDesc | |
isTemplate(bistream &file) | JigdoDesc | [static] |
listMissing(set< MD5 > &result, const string &imageTmpFile, const string &templFile, bistream *templ, ProgressReporter &reporter) | JigdoDesc | [static] |
makeImage(JigdoCache *cache, const string &imageFile, const string &imageTmpFile, const string &templFile, bistream *templ, const bool optForce, ProgressReporter &pr=noReport, size_t readAmnt=128U *1024, const bool optMkImageCheck=true) | JigdoDesc | [static] |
MATCHED_FILE enum value | JigdoDesc | |
OBSOLETE_IMAGE_INFO enum value | JigdoDesc | |
OBSOLETE_MATCHED_FILE enum value | JigdoDesc | |
OBSOLETE_WRITTEN_FILE enum value | JigdoDesc | |
operator!=(const JigdoDesc &x) const | JigdoDesc | [inline] |
operator==(const JigdoDesc &x) const =0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
put(ostream &s) const =0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
seekFromEnd(bistream &file) | JigdoDesc | [static] |
serialSizeOf() const =0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
size() const =0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
Type enum name | JigdoDesc | |
type() const =0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
UNMATCHED_DATA enum value | JigdoDesc | |
WRITTEN_FILE enum value | JigdoDesc | |
~JigdoDesc()=0 | JigdoDesc | [pure virtual] |
Generated on Tue Sep 23 14:27:42 2008 for jigdo by