
My interests include portraits, live concerts and street photography. I like multi-flash lighting and available-light photography. My cameras are a Canon EOS 450D, a FujiFilm F30 point-and-shoot, and a 40-year old analogue Rollei B 35. But let's face it: I'm a digital guy, I use the Canon DSLR for most pictures.



2010-04-23 18:47 10mm f/3.2 1/340s ISO100 Location

Cherry blossom in Zurich, with a woman passing by at just the right moment.



2009-03-19 22:35 23mm f/2.8 1/30s ISO1600

Awesome concert in Munich by Roar (then still called Klaus Trofobia). I knew them before they became famous! ;-)



2009-03-19 22:10 55mm f/2.8 1/40s ISO1600

Awesome concert in Munich by Roar (then still called Klaus Trofobia).



2009-02-01 13:57 55mm f/2.8 1/50s ISO100



2008-10-17 15:08 23mm f/5 1/100s ISO100



Picture taken in October 2007. I miss you, Munich!



2006-10-08 10:57 8mm f/5 1/550s ISO100


When shooting party pictures with flash, you either bounce the light off the ceiling or use a home-made better bouncecard. However, what if you want a similar effect with the camera's built-in flash?

Here is a simple solution that I came up with. Compared to the mini softboxes and similar accessories that you can buy online for the built-in flash, it is more robust, much cheaper (2€) and very compact. Read more...



2008-08-24 00:36 17mm f/2.8 10s ISO400 Location

Taken in a violent storm during a trip to Lago di Garda. This actually shows two different lightning strokes that happened in short succession during the exposure.



2008-07-28 10:57 50mm f/4 1/25s ISO100

I consider this to be the best picture I have taken so far. Ironically, it was taken during my first shooting ever, only a few days after I had bought my first DSLR. Natural light only.